Frank Body Coffee Scrub

The most instagrammed body scrub – Frank Body’s Coffee Scrub was sent to me by influenster in their #prepvoxbox. I have been meaning to try this so I was so excited to have been sent this!


I got the Coconut Coffee Scrub. Here’s what’s inside the scrub:

  • Robusta coffee beans: stimulates collagen production
  • Grapeseed oil: fatty acids to fade scars
  • Coconut oil: antibacterial & antidryness
  • Jojoba beads: polish skin

When you buy it, it comes in a resealable bag for ~19. I mention the resealable bag because there’s a decent amount of product in there so you will want to keep it for a bit.

My thoughts:

Ok so first: WOW it really smells like coffee. Like I got out the shower and still smelled like coffee! Second: its a loose scrub so you pick some up with your hand and then start scrubbing your body. This made a mess in my whole shower! OMG. Obviously clean up was easy cause I just had to use the water to wash it down the drain. It literally looks like coffee when it washes away. It’s one of the harshest exfoliators I’ve ever used. However, I don’t think it’s a bad thing. It actually felt like it was taking away the dead skin and it wasn’t so harsh that it was irritating. It was just harsh enough. You leave it for three minutes and then wash it off. Afterwards I noticed a moisturized film left on my skin which was nice. It left my skin feeling super hydrated.


I think the exfoliator is really nice. However, I wouldn’t purchase this on my own because for ~$20 I would rather buy something that is less messy. They did come out with a no mess scrub which is basically the same scrub in a liquid vehicle so check that out if you are interested!

Have you tried this scrub? Thoughts? What are some of your fave scrubs out there?

Instagram: @sayeedah_



Disclaimer: This was sent to me by Influenster but all opinions are my own.


  • Reply Superman May 1, 2018 at 10:36 pm

    Hmm what can i use to get rid of all my imperfections? Like sometimes my face gets dry but a good dose of jegens ultra heal does the job!

    • Reply sayeedahsparkles May 1, 2018 at 10:45 pm

      You put Jergens on your face? lol
      You’re perf!!! xoxox

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