Travel Diaries | Italy
I’ve just realized that I haven’t posted quite a few of my trips so I want to update that starting with my honeymoon in Italy in 2019. Boy, was that a crazy time! From running to the other end of the airport and missing our flight (and gondola ride) to seeing a new city every 2 days, this trip was definitely unforgettable!
Our first stop was the beautiful Venice!

We missed our gondola ride but ended up taking a ride on the water taxi so that’s almost the same thing right? We had hot chocolate at the iconic Caffe Florian and walked around St. Mark’s Square. We didn’t spend a long time in Venice but it’s definitely as picturesque as you see! Would definitely say this is a must-see.
The next day we took a train ride to Florence! It’s so beautiful here. On the itinerary were things like the Boboli Gardens, the Duomo, the Lindt store, and of course – shopping!

Rome – New Year’s Day!

First stop – was food! I still think about this chicken from the Chicken Hut! Of course I also had to throw a coin in the Trevi fountain and make a trip to the colosseum. We rounded out this stop with shopping in Travestere and were ready to call it a day!
BTW pasta here is very different from pasta in the US. I actually did not like the pasta here. What do you guys think – are you a fan?
I feel incredibly blessed to have gotten to visit Amalfi. Definitely unforgettable. One of the most beautiful places I have seen This was the part of the trip where I got to actually take a break and relax. We went to the spa and hung out around the town. Did you know it’s almost impossible to get regular chocolate cake here? We had a chocolate making class that I was so excited for but unfortunately they cancelled on me.

To get to Amalfi you actually have to travel from Naples (best pizza of my life). It’s about 1.5 hours on a low traffic day, but the driver told us that in the summer it can take like four hours!! Be prepared to walk here by the way, lots and lots of steps.
After this we returned to Venice to make our journey home. All of this was in the span of 6 days btw – am I crazy for that?
Have you been to Italy before? What were your favorite parts?

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