I finally went to a dermatologist..

… and this is what she recommended!

I find it interesting to read other people’s skin care routines so I wanted to share my new routine! I went to the dermatologist recently because I normally get breakouts on my chin (like 1 or 2 huge pimples at a time) and as a result I have a lot of hyperpigmentation.

Therefore, I wanted to share my new regimen with you guys. The dermatologist said it would take about 4-6 months to see a result and that my face may start peeling in the first month. I have been using this regimen for 6 months and will share my thoughts below!

1. Cleanser: Day and Night

She recommended using a gentle cleanser. I can’t using anything with an acne fighter in it (i.e salicylic acid, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide). I’m using fresh soy gel cleanser. It’s really nice and mild and I like that you can use it on the eyes cause it comes in handy those days where I wear a little extra mascara.

Dermatologist recommendation: Cetaphil gentle cleanser or Cerave

2. Medication: Night Time Only

Adapalene 0.3%. This is a prescription retinoid but differin is available over the counter and contains adapalene 0.1%. I use a pea sized amount all over my face at night. I haven’t noticed anything different as of yet except that my face feels ridiculously soft. She did mention that it would be like baby’s skin.

Some important things to note about retinoids:

  • Causes photo sensitivity – i use it at bed time only
  • Can be teratogenic – speak to your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant
  • Will cause your skin to be super sensitive so you cannot wax your eyebrows/face
  • I do THREAD my eyebrows and it is okay on my skin
  • She mentioned that my face would peel but I have not seen that happen as of yet
  • Adapalene is supposed to be gentler on the skin than tretinoin

Tip: Always apply medication first so your skin can fully absorb the medication!

3. Moisturizer: Day and Night

A friend recommended fresh lotus youth preserve moisturizer. I needed a moisturizer without sunblock (see below for why) and this one works pretty well. It’s a little heavier than my neutrogena moisturizer but it doesn’t make my face greasy, having oily skin and all.

4. Sunblock: Daytime

Elta Md with spf 46 was recommended to me. This is a physical sunscreen which blocks the sun’s ray from actually penetrating the skin as opposed to a chemical sunscreen. They also block both UVA and UVB while chemical sunscreens typically block one or the other (which is why they usually have a few active ingredients as opposed to one). Physical sunscreens are those that include zinc oxide or titanium dioxide.

Supposedly this sunscreen is suppsoed to help with acne prone skin in particular which could be due to the 5% niacinamide.

Dermatologist recommendation: SPF 30 or higher

6. Pimple Cream: As needed – Sparingly

I believe it is RX only – so I can’t find a picture link.

I was prescribed Aczone which is pretty pricey. It dries out the pimples. I put on a light layer to to just the affected pimple in the morning and then go about my day

6 Month Results

Apparently I accidentally deleted the before picture – so sorry! But here’s my 6 months post picture:


I might miss one or two days a week but honestly I’m still getting pimples. I don’t use the Aczone much cause I forget about it. I notice that my skin texture over all is nice and I get pimples less frequently but I still get them.

Everyone’s skin is different so don’t just go out and buy everything that i mentioned. Do your research and see a board certified dermatologist if you have skin concerns!

Pretty much all of the images are shoppable Amazon affiliate links, which means I do get compensation if you decide to purchase through my link. However, this post is all my original thought and is in no way sponsored by amazon!

Thanks for reading! What’s in your skincare routine?


  • Reply Anna June 18, 2019 at 1:46 am

    I love seeing everyone’s skincare too! You’re using some great products 🙂

  • Reply Skincare Secrets from "Skin Revolution" - Sayeedahsparkles August 18, 2022 at 1:49 pm

    […] retinol has been prescribed by my dermatologist but you can get differin OTC. Do not use retinol with: […]

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